showing 5 games

namepublisher(developer)year arrow_downwardtags
Crash Bandicoot: The Wrath of Cortex  Universal Interactive;Konami;Vivendi Universal Games (Traveller's Tales)2001 crashbandicoot greatesthits marsupialprotagonist platinum psthebest rating-esrb-e rating-pegi-3 rating-usk-6 uvl-missingimages xrayelectrocution labelimagesubject
Hyper Street Fighter II: The Anniversary Edition  Capcom2003 1on1fighting attackcancelling criware fanservice rating-cero-c rating-pegi-16 streetfighter xrayelectrocution labelimageminimize
The Sims 2 Electronic Arts (Maxis)2004 furnishing homosexuals lesbians lifesimulation loadingnonsense sims sliceoflife socialsimulation timemanagement vernal xrayelectrocution labelimageminimize
Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater  Konami (Konami Computer Entertainment Japan)2005 1960s 20thcentury aimmode alarmers alternatetimeline assaultrifles backstabbing blinding bodydragging bossbattles bossmeter camouflage cc cia cinematicinconsistencies clambering clandestine coldwar communicator corpselooting crawltunnels dartguns difficulty display-30fps distracting earth fanservice fictionallocation firearms forest handguns hunger ingamecinematics kgb knives knockdown ladders ledges machinepistols magic magic-rare magicalrealism meatshield mediums metalgear militantprotagonist militarybase nationalism nonlethalelimination nsa past postures precisionrifles psychics rating-esrb-m remotedetonators retrypoints rotting sciencefantasy scientists secrets sequence-turret shotguns smokegrenades soldiers sovietunion spectres spetsnaz stealth stungrenades superhumans torture tumbling unlimitedlives wallhugging waterfalls wilderness xrayelectrocution labelimagesubject
Makai Kingdom: Chronicles of the Sacred Tome  Nippon Ichi Software;Koei;NIS America (Nippon Ichi Software)2005 cdrom classbased disgaea lightsabers rotaryguns shovels spinoff tacticalrpg xrayelectrocution labelimagesubject